This is a semi-permanent wall station for documents!
It is a system to store documents in a weather resistant box mountable on almost any wall. The documents are best laminated for further wear and protection, and then firmly installed on the stainless steel screw posts inside.
The Hawk Documentator Station™ creates a dedicated and long lasting presence of information, instantly at hand and available. It can be removed from the wall, the contents read and considered, and then returned to its' place.
Excellent for immediate available knowledge, or to immediately inform at a specific place:
It can hold Emergency Instructions, Action Flowcharts, Contact Lists, Equipment Instructions, Standard Procedures, Maintenance Logs, Testing Procedures, Machine Schematics, First Responder Instructions, Fire Or Security Procedures, Warnings, Maps, etc.
It can be used to inform or update an ongoing situation or as a Docent Teacher, from the latin, "Docere," meaning to instruct, teach, or point out. It can describe an exhibit, contain an updated press release, or explain a person, place, or thing.
It may also hold a few tools, safety glasses, etc., as required.
Show People The Important! No Excuses! Keep The Information Exactly Where It is Needed!
Our price includes a free Lamination Service, for up to 30 days from purchase.
We will laminate up to 30 documents on a "Hold Harmless" basis, in a back to back layout, up to 15 pages total. Either being full sized letter 8.5" x 11", or half sized 6" x 11" sized documents, that you supply. In use, full sized pages must be bent slightly to close the lid. Addtional Laminate Service available at the fee of $5.00 per page. Call for further information.
Improve instant or emergency communications, archive best practices and procedures, keep logs, or just simply inform, with the Hawk Documentator Station!™
We love the Milwaukee Tool Packout® System, and use their case with a single mounting plate. Overall size on the wall with a single mounting place is about 19" long by 10" wide and 6" deep.
Packout® is a registered trademark of the fine Milwaukee Tool company.
In a society that becomes more and more complicated and surrenders to the lure of the machines, one single error or event, can easily destroy operations! Keep Notices/Instructions at the ready before needed! Ensure people know what to do, where they need to do it!
The Hawk Documentator Station™ provides a system to keep information in a weather resistant plastic tool box on laminated pages, mounted on a wall, or to other similar units, at the place and at the time that it is needed!
Keep An Excellentway Ahead!™ - Hawk
Item #14:............ Hawk Documentator Station™
If Item in stock, we ship within 24 hours of receipt of your order. Otherwise as soon as possible.